Saturday, January 12, 2008

A lesson for me

A lesson for me
I was talking to Jesus and praying for my friends and family and the hurting children all over the world. I can't see their faces or know there names but I ache for all of them. I implored Him, "Lord please come now...for the children, for all of us Lord," "Why wait any longer?" was the question in the back of my mind and he heard it (or course He did, He's God) and he said to me, "Because of the unsaved" He's waiting for the unsaved to turn to Him. I think we can help in God's return by talking to those around us about Jesus. We can't make up their minds but we can at least make them think, plant God's word.
I was also thinking about those precious and innocent children that die from sickness and starvation and murders around the world and God comforted me by letting me know...He knows about it and He loves them too...they don't die in vain...they are His children and when they die they are immediately in his Kingdom. Their suffering here is forgotten by them but not by God and He rewards them for their strength and suffering. They will be hungry no more, they will be sad no more, they will want for nothing. Praise the Lord! Our time here is so short, our suffering seems like it lasts forever but we are wrong. It lasts but for a short time and when we meet Jesus it will all be worth it. For we are all sinners and we don't even deserve Jesus but He loves us and takes us and doesn't hold our sins against guilt trips either. Does that mean our efforts to feed the starving, and cloth the poor and help our brothers and sisters is in vain??? NO!!! God works through us to help his people (That's all of us).
Last night Gabe was asleep in his crib and I stood over him praying that God would just clear Gabe's nose free from snot so he could breath and sleep through the night. I waited a few seconds to hear it all of the sudden disappear. Then I felt really silly...God helped me see that no Suzie I don't just magically make people better "I can and sometimes do, but not all the time" "Why?" I thought. "Because then you would never learn how to do things on your own. We need to work together." he told me. Wow...I already knew that but I had forgotten. I wanted God to do it. so what did I do next??? I got the vaporizer out and filled it with water and put it in Gabe's room to clear his nose. Did Gabe sleep through the night??? No. It took a long time to get him comfortable and to bed. Yes I was frustrated that I didn't get my alone time to relax and I even got mad. I also understood that it wasn't God's fault. Sometimes (a lot of the times) kids get sick and their bodies have to learn how to fight off infections so they are healthier in the long run. If God healed us of all of our sicknesses right away our bodies and minds wouldn't be able to function in this world. So thank you Lord for teaching me again:)

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