but try.
(If you haven't read my blog before this one then do so now as this one relates to it.)
I was just thinking that maybe our family logo should be, "Just Happens" sorta like the Nike slogan, "Just do it". Things in our house "just happens" all the time.
I had JUST written that blog last night about our past and present pets and was quite happy and sure about the welfare of our non alive friends when what should HAPPEN??
This morning after taking the older boys to school and clearing the breakfast dishes, I sat down in my favorite chair with a steaming hot cup of coffee. I was checking my e-mail when I noticed Gabe wasn't in the room. I called his name and heard his voice coming from the upstairs.
"Oh, please tell me he's not in the bathroom" I pleaded to no one. I set down my cup of coffee and ran up the stairs. My fear was recognised as I first saw the bathroom door open, then no Gabe standing on the stool by the sink, but rather standing in front of the open toilet bowl with Hammy in Hand.
Hammy was drenched and so was the hand that held Hammy. "You have GOT to be kidding me?" I said out loud. This was crazy. I had just finished writing about Hammy and I honestly thought Hammy would be safe from harm but alas I was wrong. Gabe killed Hammy the only way you could kill a fake pet. By submerging it in water, destroying the batteries and all the inner electrical workings.
Maybe I'm not so much shocked that this happened but rather shocked by the timing.
I haven't told Uriah yet about Hammy. I'm wondering if I should go to Five Below and find a replacement first. I hope that when Uriah does find out that Hammy bit the porcelain toilet bowl, he'll see the humor in it.
***For those of you wondering, yes there was pee in the toilet bowl.***
RIP Hammy...When Robin was little she had a real hamster named Hammy.