Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Taste of Feet

The Taste of Feet
I must love the taste of feet because my foot is always in my mouth. I am great at making a fool out of myself at times. Examples include 1. asking my good friend's mother-in-law at my friend's wedding if she was my good friends GRANDMOTHER (GASP). Can we say awkward momment? (on the positive side of things she at least was a grandmother just not of my friend and just not to someone as old as my friend) 2.I asked a woman if she was my Aunts mother. "NO" she says, "I'm her sister". To my horror no one came to my rescue not even my own Grandmother she just sorta shook her head and said quietly,"oh Suzie". Your telling me Grandma! I turned beat red and steared clear of my Aunts "sister" the rest of the bridal shower. 3.I told a man that I hadn't seen in years that I didn't recognise him because he had "less hair" lol! I actually meant that as a complament because the last time I had seen him it was poofy and kinda all over the place but he had it cut nice this time so he looked good. Once I said less hair he bristled a little so I had to make ammends so I tried to explain the above reasoning but it still didn't sound quite right. Good thing my sister was there to laugh at me. I bring this up to tell you that Foot in Mouth disease is genetic. My son Tyler is showing strong signs that he is a carrier.
We were on a play date with a little girl and her mom and I had my three boys. Tyler was on the swing and wanted the other mom to push him so she pushed while we talked. Josh was just a baby at the time so I was holding him. As we were talking Tyler asks out of the blue, "Are you having a baby?" to the other mom. Well no she wasn't having a baby at all she was overweight. I pretend to not hear Tyler and pray that she didn't hear him. After all she was talking and we all know that when moms are talking we don't hear children. Tyler was not giving up easily however and asked her again."are you going to have a baby?" by now I am only hearing half of what she is saying because I'm thinking in my head how I can get Tyler to stop asking her that without her knowing. I tried eye contact but he wouldn't stop looking at her and he kept asking about her baby. Finally she stopped talking and I replied half heartedly because I didn't really know what she was talking about. Then there was a pause and Tyler jumped on it and asked again if she was having a baby. She turned to him and said politely "no I'm not having a baby". That was not good enough for Tyler, he wanted to know exactly what was going on so he asked, "do you have a ball under there?" I was speechless and mortified. She was nice about it though and told him," no I just have a lot of food in there." "OH" tyler says. and with that out of his system he sat there quietly while I apologized for him and turned red all over.

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